
Stuck (2014) - IndieGoGo Campaign

A Film About Seizing the Day, Or Not.

Stuck is an independent Massachusetts-based comedy about a group of twenty-somethings that deals with with life after graduation. This movie is going to be a witty and hilarious take on real life and its look and feel are inspired by movies such as Garden State, Tiny Furniture or Kicking and Screaming. As Writer/Director/Producer Angela Palladino states, "It's my story, it's your story". Stuck avoids the hipster tales from big cities like NYC or LA. Instead, it focuses on where most of our generation is located: the suburbs. It is a story of uncertainty and decision-making in the post-graduate fog that we all go through. The movie is mainly inspired by the little town of Maynard, Mass. 

The Crew

Angela Palladino and her New England crew at AMP Indie plan to begin principal photography in spring 2014 and complete the project by fall 2014. The team wants to go beyond the traditional independent approach and produce a high-quality feature-film to reach a broader audience and impress the entertainment industry. The crew behind Stuck wants to get this Boston-based project selected for famous independent festivals - SXSW and Slamdance among others. The key crew members are: Director of Photography William Schweikert, Line Producer Michael Ricci, Associate Producer Vincent Patsios, Assistant Director L. Bennett Tyler and Production Mentor Richard Farrell

How can you help?

I will be covering Stuck from start to finish but how can YOU help? Glad you asked. Angela Palladino has launched the Stuck IndieGoGo Campaign - that will be running until November 24th. All it takes to support this crew of independent filmmakers that wants to make a movie about you, your peers, your children is to donate. No amount is too small. With your support, Stuck might be a great impact on the entertainment industry and who knows... Twenty years from now, it might be a pop-culture reference and you could have your name in the credits. 

Find out more at: http://www.indiegogo.com/projects/stuck-a-film-about-seizing-the-day-or-not

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